Climate Action

Canberra light rail to run on 100% renewables

The first stage of Canberra’s new light rail project will be 100 per cent powered by renewable energy

  • 25 June 2015
  • William Brittlebank

The first stage of Canberra’s new light rail project will be 100 per cent powered by renewable energy, according to Australian Capital Territory government officials.

The network is planned for the north of the city and will link Civic to Gungahlin.

ACT environment minister Simon Corbell is implementing the Capital Metro project and said that a minimum of 10 per cent of the light rail system’s electricity will come from renewable sources like solar or wind.

Corbell said: "Capital Metro is about creating a more sustainable Canberra and we are making sure that environment and sustainability is at the heart of our approach for an integrated public transport network."

The 100 per cent renewable target would be made up in two parts.

Corbell added: "Combined with the ACT Government achieving its target of 90 per cent renewable energy by 2020 - the time in which stage one light rail will be up and running - this will enable the Capital Metro project to be 100 per cent green energy powered"

Mr Corbell said the successful bidder would also need to have measures in place to reduce the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions resulting during construction.

The minister said: "This would include avoiding and reducing emissions through energy efficient construction practices as well as sourcing carbon offsets by investing in programs such as reforestation or renewable energy initiatives."

The ACT government announced in June that it has signed two major international climate agreements - the Compact of States and Regions and the Compact of Mayors - and will report annually to an international network through the CDP.

Referring to the key COP21 climate summit later this year Corbell said: “Leading up to the UN conference in Paris in December, there are many global initiatives happening right now that are working to rally regional and state governments and corporations to respond to climate change…Membership of the Compact of States and Regions and the Compact of Mayors mean the ACT Government will report annually on our targets and emissions reduction progress at both the territory and city scale.”