Climate Action

Are you turning out your lights for Earth Hour 2018?

Saturday 24 March. 8:30pm your time. Earth Hour 2018 is here.

  • 23 March 2018
  • Adam Wentworth

Saturday 24 March. 8:30pm your time. Earth Hour 2018 is here.

The global movement to switch off lights in a symbolic show of appreciation, and concern, for our planet will reach tens of millions of people, and hundreds of well-known public buildings.

The Eiffel Tower is going dark for one hour. So is the Empire State Building and Sydney Opera House. Surely we can do the same?

Founded in 2007 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Sydney, the movement saw participation from more than 180 countries last year. In the UK alone, 9 million people took part.

This year, WWF is asking participants to make a promise to do something for the planet. This could be something as simple as refusing plastic cutlery or turning your washing down to 30C. It is also encouraging people to talk about what the Earth means to them by sharing stories online.

“Nature is in alarming decline. Halting its loss is urgent and crucial as much as tackling climate change,” says Marco Lambertini, Director General, WWF International.

“Biodiversity and nature is the foundation of life, essential to our wellbeing. Yet, we continue to take nature for granted while our actions are pushing it to the brink”

“This Earth Hour, we want to shine a light on the importance of biodiversity and nature. Together, as individuals, businesses and governments, we must show the same determination to halt biodiversity and nature loss as we have shown on climate action to secure a healthy, thriving and living planet for all”, he added. 

Take a look at the events happening near you.

And if you’re on social media, use the hashtags #EarthHour or #Connect2Earth to share your story.