Climate Action

Votorantim Industrial is an industrial conglomerate composed of six Companies that act in multiple sectors of the economy.

  • Votorantim Cimentos: cement, concrete, aggregates, etc
  • Votorantim Metais: nickel, zinc, aluminum
  • Votorantim Energia: hydroelectric power
  • Votorantim Siderurgia: steel
  • Fibria: pulp
  • Citrosuco: orange juice


It is a 100 per cent Brazilian enterprise with operations in over 20 countries and a track record of 96 years. The organisation seeks continued, long-term, responsible growth, with sustainable development as its guiding principle.

Given the organisation’s capital intensive nature, it strive for lowest possible attributed emissions per metric ton produced by setting energy efficiency goals and promoting innovation on operational efficiency. Additionally, it is one of the founding members of the Brazilian GHG Protocol and one of the first Brazilian organisations to publish an annual carbon emission inventory.

In order to guide its corporate social responsibility strategy, it created in 2002 the Votorantim Institute, a separate entity that carries out all social activities, contributing to local community development and overall business competitiveness. Votorantim Industrial understands that the initiatives outlined above, as well as several others throughout its six Companies, are imperative to embed sustainability into business strategy and ensure its business continuity.

For more information visit

Votorantim Industrial

Votorantim Industrial S/A
Rua Amauri, 255 – 10° andar
São Paulo
CEP 01448-000

 +(55)(11) 3704-3300

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