Climate Action

The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) is a public university with 39 years of experience. UAM is organised around a General Vice-chancellorship with five independent campuses, with a strong link to our social environment. The five campuses have six Academic Divisions: Basic Sciences and Engineering, Biological Sciences and Health, Communication Sciences and Design, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sciences and Arts for Design.

Its academic model is based on teaching, research and duty, a strong focus on social problems and allowing students to be responsible for their own professional training.

UAM is involved in a diverse range of projects aimed to solving specific issues and attending the needs for society’s most vulnerable sectors. It also encourages its students throughout their professional formation to take with them commitment to find solution to social needs.                        

Based in Mexico City, the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana has a long standing tradition of caring for the environment and sustainability. It has embraced good practices for water use and conservation, efficient use of energy, a continuous environmental improvement of its 3 existing campus and a state of the art design of the 2 new campus that are being built.

Our efforts to address sustainability go beyond the continuous improvement of the environmental performance of our campuses. 

At UAM, we believe we need to train a new generation of professionals that are able to understand these global challenge processes.  We also want to contribute to produce scientific knowledge that serves as the basis for informed policy making.  In our hearts and minds we have signed a new social contract, contributing to produce the best solutions to help Mexico to successfully address the global environmental changes of the 21st century.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Prolongación Canal de Miramontes 3855, 4º piso
Col. ExHacienda de San Juan de Dios
México D.F.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Contact: Dra. Sylvie Turpin Marion - General Coordinator for Liaisons and Institutional Development


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


 (52) 55 54834000 ext. 1901

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